1. Bottom stapling

of empty folding boxes with adjoining flaps

2. Bottom stapling

of empty folding boxes with overlapping flaps

3. Top stapling

of empty folding boxes with short flaps

4. Top stapling

of filled folding boxes with adjoining flaps

5. Top stapling

of filled folding boxes with overlapping flaps

6. Stapling of telescope-type cartons

bottom and lid

7. Stapling of cartons with

insert lids

8. Stapling of bottom

of bottom and top lids

9. Stapling of carton trays

bottom and top trays

10. Stapling of folding cartons

11. Stapling carton lids

onto folding cartons

12. Stapling of rackcartons

13. Stapling of cardboard bobbins

14. Stapling of cardboard headers

onto bags, blister packs, etc.

15. Stapling slide lids

into carton tubes

16. Bottom stapling of oversized folding

boxes and for nailing such boxes onto wooden pallets.

17. Nailing packets of ream

printing plates

18. Stapling cardboard sleeves

onto carton flaps of pallet boxes

19. Round blank drums

Stapling round blank drums

made of carton

20. Carton lid

stapling carton lids in cartonbox

21. Box with flap

Stapling a box with a flap onto a display card.